As expected, an investigation by Washington State University’s athletic director found no substance to the allegations made by former wide receiver Marquess Wilson, who quit the Cougars and charged the coaching staff with physical, mental and emotional abuse.

Without mentioning Wilson by name, AD Bill Moos in a four-page letter released Wednesday afternoon wrote that no wrongdoing was found, and that Wilson recanted his statements. He said 12 players were interviewed.

“What is not widely known but is of great importance is that I received a text message from the departing player following the UCLA football game,” Moos wrote, “where he recanted allegations of abuse made in a letter by him and a relative sent to the media later that evening.

“The majority of players interviewed said that the player that walked out put them, their coaches and WSU in a bad light.”

Below is Moos’s full statement:

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1 Comment

  1. If you cared you knew the outcome of the investigation before this news release. One can only guess at how long the PAC 12 office will take to release it’s report.