The allegedly media-shy Marshawn Lynch has given the first interview since his retirement from the Seahawks — rapping from atop a camel in Egypt doesn’t count — that will be aired Tuesday on Showtime’s SI/60 Minutes news program.

The video trailer (above) for the interview has Lynch talking about why defenders don’t like tackling him:

“If you just run through somebody’s face, a lot of people ain’t going to be able to take that over and over and over and over and over again. They’re just not going to want that. Run through a mother——- face.”

But the trailer sheds no light on specifics of his decision to retire, or whether he would reconsider. Presumably, that will be part of the program, unless the star-struck interviewers were afraid to ask.

Lynch supposedly hinted to a couple of ex-teammates that he might re-consider retirement, but Seahawks coach Pete Carroll said the club has had no contact with Lynch.

Which doesn’t mean the world is done with Lynch. We have learned, after all, that we don’t feel Beast Mode; Beast Mode feels us.



  1. Lynch fatigue here. I’m way past this guy.
    He will go down in history as the athlete that had tremendous endorsement opportunities, yet via his not speaking with the media and actions generally, ended up with a toilet plumbing company as his most recognized sponsor. Wow. Not a sign of success.

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