The view of PyeongChang’s outdoor venues at the 2018 Winter Games. / Korean Culture and Information Service

The Winter Olympics, the quadrennial global effort to defy gravity in the cold while wearing funny costumes on slick surfaces, is underway in South Korea. The 23rd edition of the Games is, as usual, played against a backdrop of international politics, this one featuring North Korea vs. the U.S. to see who wins the gold medal for insipid bellicosity.

The Opening Ceremony began Friday morning in PyeongChang, 100 miles east of Seoul and 50 miles from the demilitarized zone between the two Koreas that have defied solutions for more than 60 years. But with a delegation of North Korean athletes added late to the Games, the chance for mayhem on the peninsula seems to have been reduced.

A graphical snapshot of the Games was created by that covers some of the same frozen ground as NBC, the Olympics corporate patron, as well as some fresh stuff.

Take some notes from the cool facts herein and win many bets in the office, factory or dorm as you await your turn in the stairwell luge course.

Source: WalletHub


  1. How can bellicosity be insipid? The exchanges between big button and little button are anything but boring.

  2. The dias tells the story. North Korea way ahead in diplomacy of grand gestures, with help from South Korea, while Pence looks the fool sitting low tier.

  3. I’m one of the very few hockey fans who actually likes the NHL players staying at home on the Olympics. Let established professionals have their World Cups, and let younger athletes into the Olympics, like how Olympic soccer is for U-23 players instead of the Messis and Ronaldos. Name the squads of NHL draftees and minor leaguers in the fall, play a barnstorming schedule against other countries and minor league teams to develop chemistry and make final cuts, and after the games return them to their minor league teams or even promote them to their NHL teams if they’ve done well and have gained name recognition.