The eyes of the Seahawks offense were all on their defensive teammates on Dallas’s final play Sunday. / Corky Trewin, Seattle Seahawks

As if the week weren’t sufficiently busy with creating from mud and leaves a patch for a secondary that was mediocre when healthy, coach Pete Carroll had to address with the Seahawks the NFL’s first COVID-19 breakout, as well as Tuesday night’s uproarious presidential debate.

He was not asked to help put out fires in his native Northern California.

So far.

He does get nightly messages around 12:30 from the NFL updating him on outcomes of his team’s regular COVID-19 tests. Which is an improvement.

“It used to be 4 a.m.,” he said. “Haven’t missed one yet.”

Having been fined $100,000 by the NFL (and $250,000 assessed against the club)  for not wearing a mask properly on the sidelines, and seeing a postponement of Sunday’s Tennessee-Pittsburgh game because nine Titans players and staffers tested positive, Carroll was nearly zealous in his desire to preach again to his so-far-compliant choir.

They haven’t had a positive test in the nine weeks since training camp began.

“It takes one person outside of the bubble who can affect all of this,” he told reporters Wednesday on a Zoom conference. “It’s just a reminder, and we need these these reminders.

“We’ve been talking about it all year, and it just gets real when it happens eventually.”

Meeting with players Wednesday, Carroll said he cited the disruptions caused by the outbreak — the Titans, as well as their opponents Sunday, the Minnesota Vikings, had to close their facilities until more tests were completed — and endorsed submission to public-health dictates.

“It’s the messaging from the top, and the demonstration of the manner and how we operate, from all of our coaches and leadership on the team,” he said. “Everybody has to be participating. This is ongoing, full-on for the next 13-14 weeks, whatever the heck it is. We have to do it.”

Carroll was asked if he feels like he’s holding his breath every day.

“I’m not complaining about it; this is what it is,” he aid. “We’re gonna have a great attitude about it. I think attitude is a huge percentage of this. That’s why leadership is so important, and direction and system are so important.

“Really, my mind has been on this for so long, for so many months, well before we ever got back here (to the VMAC), it just seems like a continuation of the new.”

He wondered whether the rigor demonstrated by sports — the NHL just completed a virus-free re-start to its season, and the NBA, WNBA and MLS have been largely successful in minimizing impacts — offered an example of what could have been done nationally.

“You’d think if the whole country could have approached it like (pro sports), we’d be in a much different state,” he said. “There’s just been a handful of (positive tests in the NFL) through the thousands and thousands of tests that have taken place.

“So there’s way to handle this. It’s not what you want, but you can do it. It just takes a diligent mentality to get it done.”

It also takes many millions of dollars and a huge commitment of medical and club personnel to pull off logistics of bubbles or semi-bubbles, particularly when the course of the virus and the remedies to combat it have changed. Chances for success are also enhanced by a cohort of subjects who stand to make millions in salaries. None of these circumstances are found elsewhere.

The NFL also increased the pressure this week by amping up the threat of punishments for failure to comply with game-day protocols. Further negligence by coaches not wearing masks may bring about suspensions and forfeiture of draft picks, according to an ESPN story.

The resources the sports/media industrial complex can throw at the problem is nearly unmatchable. Would that they were available to first-responders and hospital workers.

Also Wednesday, Carroll addressed with players the first debate between President Trump and former vice-president Joe Biden, a disturbing cacophany roundly criticized by all witnesses. It included a response by Trump to a question of whether he would renounce white supremacy. When he passed, instead telling a white nationalist group, the Proud Boys, to “stand back and stand by,” post-debate outraged ensued.

A video summary was shown, and Carroll said he avoided taking political sides.

“We’re not doing that,” he said. “I mean, guys have to be able to think for themselves. I don’t want to be in any way shading their mentality in any direction.

“We showed with the guys that maybe didn’t catch it last night, just kind of what it looked like, so they would have a sense for whatever that was. I want our guys always to know what’s going on, and always be up on what’s happening as best we can, and in whatever depth we can handle.”

LB Bobby Wagner, for one, was generally dismissive of the debacle.

“It was tough to watch,” he said. “Just seemed like two grown men arguing the whole time, and you had Trump doing what he does.

“At this point, you know who he is. He’s not hiding it. he’s telling you exactly who he is. If that’s somebody that you care to support, then that’s unfortunate, but you know, he’s showing us who he is . . . I don’t care about him, or anything that he thinks. He has no play in my life.”

And there were football developments, mostly regarding health and the lack thereof.

In the secondary, Carroll sounded as if SS Jamal Adams (strained groin muscle) was least likely among the wounded to play Sunday in Miami against the 1-2 Dolphins (10 a.m., FOX).

CB Quinton Dunbar (knee), CB Neiko Thorpe (hip), and SS Lano Hill (back) are candidates to play.

In case they’re not, the Seahawks hired street free agent SS Damarious Randall, a 2015 first-round pick and a 56-game NFL starter, to the practice squad. CB Ryan Neal, who had the game-finishing interception Sunday, was promoted to the 53-man roster.

At linebacker, Jordyn Brooks’ knee is “sore,” Carroll said, and may be replaced in the starting lineup by Cody Barton. Street free agent Tim Williams, a third-round pick of the Ravens in 2017 and a 20-game NFL starter, was signed to the practice squad.

Carroll was more optimistic on offense, where RB Chris Carson (knee) and O-linemen Damien Lewis, Mike Iupati and Ethan Pocic had made progress from leg injuries.

The cumulative hurts made for one of longest injury reports in club history.

As Carroll said to open his presser, “Lots going on.”

Including flying to a state that has lifted nearly all of its COVID-19 restrictions, and will allow about 13,000 fans into the stadium.

Another figurative fire for Carroll to douse.



  1. Seems like the teams that can stay the healthiest and avoid any COVID-19-related interruptions have the best shot at putting together a winning season.

    • Regardless of the pandemic, doesn’t it seem like this discussion is had every year around week three or four regarding NFL injuries? Especially when/if quarterbacks go down?

      • Dunno in years before about week 3 being a hole. That’s why I included the image of the injury list. Never seen a Seahawks list like that.

    • That’s true most any season, but COVID runs into the problem of players wanting sex on the road with the wife/girlfriend/sidechick. That’s a powerful tide to sweep against.

  2. It would be such a waste not to see how this Seahawk team plays out this year. Fingers crossed. A lot of moving parts.

    In terms of the “debate”: Trump’s response to his views on race and whether systemic racism is real was to start blithering about law-and-order. Nobody called him on that.

    When asked about his lack of leadership regarding wearing masks, he talked about how safe his rallies were and how nobody had been harmed. Guess he forgot about his buddy Herman Cain. Nobody pointed that out during the debate either. I agree with Biden that Trump is a clown (in the scary sense) but it’s unfortunate that Biden stooped to his level of name calling.

    In terms of not calling out white supremacy…is anyone seriously shocked at that? He’d be calling out his base. I wouldn’t have said that in 2016 as I believe there were many people that only later realized they’d made a regretful mistake voting for him. Now, there’s no excuse. If you support Trump, it means you align with his values.

    • SeattleSince57 on

      Thank you for explaining my personal values.
      Please continue to explain specifics, how Biden will make my life better,

      Try refrain from using specific generalities like ‘Hate Trump’
      Recruit me.

      • Biden will restore stable government, and will end executive chaos. It’s as simple as that.

        • SeattleSince57 on

          Thanks for the reply,
          Ok, now we are getting somewhere..
          At least, We have a couple of generalities voiced,
          but still with no specifics.. why would that be?

          Specifics might be ..his running mate is known for
          medicare for all, paid by those above X income level,

          Including perhaps medicare free for the worlds people, too
          paid for by American working people,

          Burden the USA working class with taxes,
          to fix the world’s climate change issue,
          without how it makes little difference,
          with out China and India on board.

          Let the open border tell the world all is welcome, sick, unskilled, and unable to support themselves,
          no worries the tax payers can pay for that too.
          and during a world wide pandemic too boot?

          How many rich people do you think do you think we have?

          Actually, We need more rich people, not fewer, to pay for this.
          Unless we go after all tax payers!,
          during a world wide pandemic!, ..economic down turn crisis?.
          Not good timing.

          End plane travel, cows, energy now used to make us independent, and a secure nation finally. Seriously?

          i’d rather see the crass business guy run the country,
          than Career politicians, over promising to get re-elected.

          Again, recruit me,
          please refrain from personal insults, if possible.
          thanks for listening,

          • Check out the Lincoln Project. Truly admirable Republicans that place principle over portfolios and politics.

          • Bruce McDermott on

            Are you serious with these things? End cows? Completely open borders? You seriously believe that these are part of Biden’s plan? This list reads like it came out of an echo chamber from which it is very difficult to emerge. I fear that someone who starts with these as actually debatable points is simply not convincible.

          • SeattleSince57 on

            Bruce, Those were my comments, Thanks for the reply.

            Biden does not have a plan of note.
            It will be Kamala Harris and her merry band of Socialists Plan,

            ..Using the Dem Puppet Biden to influence the left to Socialism,
            keeping it mostly under wraps as to not scare the American voter away initially.

            Pay close attention to Kamala Harris debate.
            That is who you are actually voting for.

            Good luck to us all.

          • Trump has turned the White House into a mad house. Effective governance is not an exercise in pandemonium. And now, Trump has COVID……

        • Mark Stratton on

          And if he gets elected he’ll put an end to the four-year juvenile hissy fit liberals have been throwing. That would be the only positive I see. I don’t care for Trump, but the pathetic actions of the FBI and Democrats in Congress have done at least as much damage to the US as anything Trump has done.

          Biden has said he will add taxes in the $Trillions. So much for a recovery after Covid passes.

          As far as all the BS about conscience or morals, what do you think about Bill Clinton or JFK? Not exactly paragons of virtue but good Presidents.

      • 1.) Biden isn’t Trump.
        2.) Biden isn’t a racist and consistently (easily) disavows and denounces white supremacist groups.

        Vote as your moral compass dictates.

        • SeattleSince57 on

          Thanks for the reply,
          I read ‘Hate Trump ,..yet again,
          with out any specific on how Biden makes my life better..

          • Sometimes it really is just that simple.

            I could get into specifics regarding:
            -Police enforcement
            -Tax reform
            -Gun control, etc., etc.

            But…refer to the top.

          • 2nd place is 1st loser on

            So I believe that the term, United States of America doesn’t include. What’s in in it for me?

          • Seattle Psycho on

            Biden will hire competent people to head the multiple departments in the government, not fire them when they disagree. Biden will put IGs back in place to oversee said departments without fear of them doing their jobs, thus making sure the government is run better. Biden will listen to scientists that have experience in their fields not choose someone that says what he wants to hear, thus putting a national policy together to help save everyone.

      • Personally I believe as a father of two young men and a daughter, the example men set matters. Trump is on record bragging about rape, and praising neo-nazis, the same ideology my father, a WWII vet and by Trump’s estimation, a “sucker and loser” fought against in the 1940’s. I know people that voted for him in 2016 and won’t again. I don’t judge them.

        Look, If you’re wealthy and white, Biden won’t make your life better and Trump is your man. After all, apparently it’s all about you…

        • SeattleSince57 on

          Thanks for the reply,
          so I read “Hate Trump”, without specific reason to vote Biden,
          with your wild judgement guess of me personally,
          thrown in for good measure.

          • Sometimes it really is just that simple.

            I could get into specifics regarding:
            -Police enforcement
            -Tax reform
            -Gun control, etc., etc.

            But…..refer to the top.

          • Um…I guess that it’s true that I hate Trump, just like I hate all bullies, braggarts, racists and narcissists that value people only in terms of their utility and how they service the narcissist’s ego. If Trump was more in line with my values, but held the same horrid views on race, and bragged about grabbing women “by the pussy” I could in no way support him and look at my kids in the eyes. Just because you think Trump might make your life better is not an ethical reason to vote for him or anyone. The common good is what matters here but Trump’s shout out to white supremacists doesn’t weigh as heavily with you as say perhaps your stock portfolio if you still haven’t made up your mind.

            But I highly doubt you’re still making up your mind. If you were, you wouldn’t have taken such offense at me calling out people that vote for him now as being in alignment with his values. In my opinion we need to stop the bleeding now and save our democracy. We can sort out the petty details and differences later.

          • SeattleSince57 on

            I like the ‘save our democracy’ you wrote.
            The Dems are too weak to stand up to the Socialists, as they will continue to intimidate, out shout and replace the Dems.
            Just Watch.

            Socialists are a take ‘no prisoners group’.
            Threats are getting bigger, and more potential harmful to American freedoms, for you and your family,

            I am retired on less than 40K yearly in Seattle.
            Socialists in charge, would financially benefit me, huge.

            My values include not having the gov. support me, or any other able-bodied American, sitting on their butt, or drugged out,
            living off of others,
            (disable not included of course.)

            I will take all the curse words and personal insults, to have the socialists defeated. And to not getting a foothold on our country.
            Even if it includes voting this time for the crass current Pres.

            Americans should be running to something definitively positive to vote for, and not the current opposition Dem Socialist candidate..
            “Not Trump”, is not enough, but hopefully in 4 years..

          • Biden/Harris are the most positive things happening in the presidential race by far. They’re smart. Among other things, they wear masks and are urging others to do the same. It’s just the smart thing to do. Meanwhile, Karma’s finally catching up to the Blowhard in Chief who has COVID now. By the way, I didn’t hear anyone here call you names or hurl insults at you.

          • SeattleSince57 on

            Thanks for the reply.

            What set me in motion was your assumptions, about me personally:

            If I support Trump,
            I align with his values, .. that I am white and rich ,.hardly twice

            Socialism, with Harris Biden as Leaders, will take away America,
            as we know it.

            Look at local Dem leaning Mayor Durkan. Not weak, but..
            The socialists got a foot hold in the Seattle City Council, previous election cycle.

            This election cycle the Seattle City Council Socialists
            own the Dem leaders, including Mayor Durkan..
            Seattle is dumpster fire, sadly, and Durkan can’t fix that.

            This the way forward, you choose for America?
            Are you a Socialist?
            Fess up.

          • If you’re white and living on a fixed income and think the public transgressions of a would-be dictator don’t warrant nothing more than referring to him as, “crass”, I really can’t help you. I will say that too much Fox “News” will rot your brain.

    • I’m not going to debate the debate content, but regarding “calling out,” the format didn’t allow for it. Both Biden and Wallace said beforehand said they weren’t going to fact-check Trump. From Biden’s standpoint, he had little choice. His whole response time would be saying, “Wrong,” “liar,” etc. That’s not advancing his agenda.

      When someone is as committed to distortion and confusion as Trump, the debate format is rendered useless to its purpose. It’s just another campaign stop.

      • I hear you Art, but simply saying, “You didn’t answer the question,” when Trump flipped to law enforcement as his go-to when asked about his views on race, I believe that could have been at least noted.

        • The rebuttal of, “you didn’t answer the question,” should be offered by Biden, moderators, journalists and citizens every time he prevaricates. We just can’t seem to execute on that simple tool.

          • Your time is coming Art. Your days of exploiting black athletes and benefitting from your white privilege are coming to an end. Stay tuned everyone, there is some explosive information that’s going to be coming out to the Seattle and National media concerning this man and his family and ‘Black lives’

    • ClaudiaAGreen on

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  3. “The resources the sports/media industrial complex can throw at the problem is nearly unmatchable. Would that they were available to first-responders and hospital workers.”

    Amen. With comprehensive testing, tracing and social discipline the virus could be smothered nationally in about six weeks. Six grueling and expensive weeks, to be sure. But ultimately it would be cheaper and easier than the endless half-efforts in which we are now mired.

    • True. We are fated to linger with this because Trump failed to make the tough call for sacrifice when he knew the danger and ignored it, for political reasons.

  4. Chris Alexander on

    Skipping all the political banter in the comments section and just weighing in on this particular thought:

    “… flying to a state that has lifted nearly all of its COVID-19 restrictions, and will allow about 13,000 fans into the stadium.”

    Glad to see that I’m not the only one concerned about this aspect of Sunday’s matchup. Hope and pray that the team makes it back to Seattle without incident (and with a W, of course).

    • Carroll is determined to have tight control of the travel risks. Managing an 80-plus party is hard. I hope he and his 31 peers succeed.

  5. As of now it’s been reported that POTUS and FLOTUS have diagnosed with COVID19 along with Senior Advisor Hope Hicks. All three have been in contact with multiple White House personnel. If necessary there may be a transfer of power to VP Mike Pence. But if he himself is diagnosed then next in line for transfer of power is the Speaker of the House. Oh irony, your sting can surprise sometimes.

    Picture the discussions at Seahawks practice. Will they practice?

    • I don’t think the WH outbreak will change anything except to amplify the legitimacy of the need to follow science.

  6. Mark Stratton on

    For the record: Enrique Tarrio, the Cuban/Black national leader of Proud Boys denies any link to racist or white supremacist groups or activities. Not a ‘White Nationalist’ or ‘White Supremacist’ organization.

    Biden brought up Proud boys at the debate and I have to admit I knew nothing about them. They claim to be the anti-Antifa.

    • Archangelo Spumoni on

      Instead of the Washington Times as a source (always a risk especially if someone desires facts), perhaps a balance exists. The ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center present an opposing view.

      • Mark Stratton on

        Assuming my source, how condescending. I guess someone should tell Enrique that he’s the first Black man to lead a white nationalist organization. Bet he’ll be surprised.