Two dozen of the ubiquitious Ducks — the amphibious, summer-tourist-toting vehicles that are no relation to some of the passes Peyton Manning threw Sunday — will carry the Seahawks, coaches and political leaders Wednesday through a downtown throng estimated at 300,000 to celebrate the Super Bowl triumph.
The guess from Mayor Ed Murray’s office Tuesday also came with a caution to layer up because of temperatures at or below freezing, although no precipitation is in the forecast.
Joining Murray in the celebration are King County Executive Dow Constantine and Gov. Jay Inslee, who issued Tuesday a proclamation calling for a moment of loudness to be observed at 12:12 p.m. during the parade.
The open-air vehicles were chosen because of their high profiles and easier security.
“They wanted to give the best view for all of the parade-goers,” a spokesman said. “Whether you’re in the front of the line or you’re eight rows back, you can see.”
Accompanying the parade will be the Blue Thunder marching band and the Sea Gals. The city is working with Torchlight Parade organizers whose annual annual summer Seafair event usually attracts about 100,000 onlookers.
At the Clink, Seahawks season-ticket holders have been invited to attend at-capacity event around 1 p.m. Fans can watch the team’s parade beginning at 11 a.m. on the stadium’s video boards with soda, water, and hot dogs available for purchase at concessions stands. Gates open at 10:30 a.m. with open seating. Season-ticket holders can still print tickets to the event through Tuesday evening by visiting their account manager.
The adjacent Safeco Field will also open to carry a live feed of the victory parade and CenturyLink Field’s on-field presentation on the ballpark’s large video board. Tickets to Safeco are free and available to print on a first-come, first-serve, up to a maximum of four per downland. The link is here. Seating at Safeco Field will be general admission with the field’s gates opening at 10:30 a.m.
Sseveral area news stations will broadcast the parade. A live stream will also be available on Seahawks.com.
Seattle has opened its Emergency Operations Center to deal with security and other logistics leading up to the parade, although the event is being paid for by the Seahawks.
Many buildings along the parade route will be locked during the parade, allowing only people who work in the building to have access.
Accoring to KING5, all hotel rooms on Fourth Avenue as well as hotels nearby have been sold out.

I like the use of The Ducks because they are uniquely Seattle. When footage of the parade is shown nationally no one will get what it is they’re riding unless they’ve visited or lived here. If I thought about it I would have booked a hotel along the parade route.
They actually have them in other cities too, I rode one in Austin a few years back. Still cool tho :)
i hope one doesn’t break down. the one i was on a couple of years ago here was a bit unstable. the parade route doesn’t include a water crossing tho. lol
I hope we might take a moment to remember and to include in our celebrations the great Seahawk announcer Pete Gross. I hope he is smiling today.
What wonderful fun today will be… we get to tell relatives too young to remember decades later all about it….
You guys probably havent thought about this for awhile but i still
remember the disgust of that 4~12 season with a hall of fame coach
calling the shots. I openly lamented ~Why are our Seahawks so bad?Jim
Mora god bless him could only improve to 5~11 in his one season and in
my mind that was Hella unacceptable.
A new look needed to be transfixed on our beloved team……
This is why people have garage sales~out with a crap load of the old , in with the new.
And Que Pete Carroll to the scene for that sweeping changes event.
Pay dirt was last Sunday…..
We just love these guys….
We love our Seahawks whether they are 4~12 or 12~4 but by god 16~3(best
record in the NFL) sure sounds almost too surreal to accept. I have to
work today or I would be up there in Seattle along with all of the long
suffering 12s…Enjoy the parade folks and then scale that 49er
billboard in Fife and throw a banner up there. Those guys can NEVER
again say we have ZERO championships.
Repeat is now on our minds and you can sure as hell bet its on our “Good Guys” minds , too!Nobody can soil that we are the best for this season!
Go Hawks!