To salute the hottest team in the majors (eight consecutive wins), the Mariners are offering fans specially priced tickets to this weekend’s three-game home series with the Houston Astros, starting at 7:10 p.m. Friday with Seattle (78-68) within 1.5 games of the Toronto Blue Jays for the American League’s second wild card spot.
The Mariners, 9-1 in their past 10 contests, will price all available View Reserved seats at $8 through Sunday.
“We need fans in that ballpark,” new lead owner John Stanton told ESPN 710 radio Friday morning discussing the ticket discount. “We need a full house. We can’t fight Houston in an empty park. It’s going to demoralize everyone.”
Asked whether the club makes money on an $8 ticket, Stanton said, “Right now, we don’t care. We want to make the playoffs. It’s been 15 years since we were in the playoffs.
“I understand it’s football season. This is our end of season. We need people to help us get us (to the playoffs).”
The $8 tickets can be purchased online at Mariners.com/Tickets, at the Safeco Field box office and Mariners team stores (4th and Stewart downtown, Bellevue Square, Southcenter and Alderwood Mall). Tickets are also available by phone at 1-888-SEA-HITS (732-4487).
After a day off Thursday, RHP Felix Hernandez (11-5, 3.58) will open for the Mariners opposite RHP Collin McHugh (10-10, 4.86). The Mariners are 5-8 against the Astros.
Did you mean “Streaking”?
How could $8 tickets that otherwise wouldn’t be sold at all possibly lose the team money? They could give the tickets away and still make money on concessions.
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Good gesture on the M’s part, however with this being a new ownership trying to buy the fans loyalty is usually done by placing a “consistent” and competitive product on the field. Not gimmick promotions, I.e. bobble heads, boat races, beards, etc etc. Time will tell with the new ownership, hopefully they don’t repeat the mistake of Nintendo and Howard Lincoln in believing that all fans want is the “true fan” expeirence. Fans want a quality team year in and year out. Seems simple enough.
Buy a ticket and don’t over analyze the M’s offer. You want to view competitive and meaningful MLB go watch the M’s this weekend. It’s now time.
We need winter major league sports too. Go ahead and make ’em free. I’ll still stay home.
This move is about as good as picking up Vince Coleman and Andy Benes. With the Wild Card slot within reach they need to make a push and a packed Safeco Field is hard to beat.