Of all the ways Marshawn Lynch’s 2011 Beast Quake run has been immortalized, this video mashup has to be the most hilarious.
Credit goes to thecoachtaylor, who posted on Reddit the incredible video from the BBC nature show Planet Earth II called Iguana Escape, with a narration from Lynch from an earlier interview about the run that made his legend. Enjoy:
#mindblown Thanks for the share. There will never be another Marshawn. Dude is one-in-the-universe. Pretty solid comparison to his shredding the Saint’s D although the lizard should have made that last jump while turning over in mid-air and grabbing his, ah you know
When you find an iguana crotch grab on video, please write.
Beautifully edited. Those snakes give me the eebie jeebies. I had never heard Marshawn narrate that run before now. It’s amazing.
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He did it on a national interview a while back.