Have a question about Jake Browning? Kelsey Plum? Lorenzo Romar? How about the Huskies’ run to the College Football Playoffs? Or the Pac-12 Networks? Or the $100 million annual operation of the University of Washington athletics department?
Do we have the evening for you.
Actually, it’s a happy hour, which is even better.
Jennifer Cohen, nearing her first anniversary as UW athletics director, will fill you in on the dramas and backstories at The Sports Salon Tuesday at the World Trade Center Seattle.
Cohen joins Sportspress Northwest’s Art Thiel at one of Seattle’s premier waterfront locations, across from Pier 66, to take audience questions in a casual atmosphere of good food and drink.
A Tacoma native and lifelong Huskies fan, Cohen has been part of the UW athletics department for 17 years in multiple jobs. On Feb. 1, 2016, she succeeded Scott Woodward in the top job for a department with a $100 million annual budget that operates 20 NCAA varsity sports.
Cohen played key roles in helping raise money for the $280 million renovation of Husky Stadium, as well as in the hiring of football coach Chris Petersen. She will offer her thoughts on the issues of the college sports day, including NCAA reform, academic progress, budget demands and gender equity.
If you’re interested in the teams, people and stories surrounding UW and all of college athletics, please join us for an opportunity to ask and to learn — and to eat, drink and network while gazing from the fourth-floor restaurant at night-time Elliott Bay.
Advance tickets ($20 for World Trade Center members, $30 for non-members) can be purchased at Brown Paper Tickets here or at the restaurant door at the fourth-floor entrance.
Event schedule
5-6 p.m.: Happy hour beverages, complimentary appetizers
6-6:30 p.m.: Discussion with Art Thiel and Jennifer Cohen
6:30-7 p.m.: Q and A with guests
Program is brought to you by ERG Legacy Fund, Sportspress Northwest and World Trade Center Seattle
I”m sure she’ll be thrilled to answer questions about why “student-athletes” aren’t compensated and how despite being a nonprofit, the UW athletic department was $15 million in the red last year.
Show up and ask. Time to shed the anonymity.
Hopefully, the subject of Lorenzo Romar will come up. How long do we have to put up with not going to the NCAA tourney, before he is let go? I know all about the great class coming in. Gee, I wonder how long any of them will stay in school?
So Peterson is sainted for winning one conference title. Romar has won two and sent scores of players to the NBA. Good luck with his replacement.
I am not saying that he has not been successful, because he has. Been too long without a tourney appearance however. One and done kids, just don’t cut it to run a good program, unless you are Kentucky.
Have the student athletes sign a contract for pay and a 4 year commitment. If the professional teams want the players the teams need to purchase the contract or reimburse the university for player development costs. If the student athlete doesn’t like this arrangement they can turn pro while saving the university money, time and effort.
Nice idea. But the NCAA is trying to draw a farcical line that stops at full cost of attendance, and no more. What big-time fb needs is a subsidy by the NFL to pay players as minor leaguers.
Why don’t you come find out?
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